Monday, August 17, 2009

who's the best parents - the people or animals?

Friday, August 14, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Legendary Relationship Between Cats and Dogs

The Legendary Relationship Between Cats and Dogs

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Nieuws: Trophies Fat Princess bekend

Sinds vandaag is Fat Princess eindelijk verkrijgbaar voor €14,99 in de PlayStation Store en natuurlijk bevat de titel ook Trophies. Fat Princess bevat 21 Trophies, welke vreemd genoeg allemaal bronzen zijn. Alle Trophies van Fat Princess kan je hier bekijken.

In Fat Princess strijden legers van 16 man om een prinses, die gevangen zit de kelder van het kasteel van één van de twee legers. Er komt echter meer bij kijken dan aanvankelijk lijkt, de prinses in kwestie kan namelijk vetgemest worden en in dat geval heb je het grootste deel van je leger nodig om de zwaarlijvige koninklijke weg te dragen. Teamwork tussen de vijf klassen, Warrior, Archer, Mage, Worker en Priest, is essentieel om te winnen.

Fat Princess Home space arrives tomorrow, Trophy list arrives now

Tomorrow, Fat Princess begins its invading spree. First it'll invade the PlayStation Store, then it'll invade PlayStation Home and then, finally, the game will invade our hearts. The European Home Events space will be decked out with Fat Princess characters and you will be tasked with answering eight questions about the game in order to win slices of cake. Obtaining all eight slices will net you a Princess Throne for your Home apartment.

We're not sure whether this space will be available in the US version of Home too, but don't worry Americans, we've got something for you here, too. The Trophy list for Fat Princess has been handed to us on a crumb-littered silver platter, and you can check out some of the hilarious names the devs have dreamt up right now. Our favorite? "The Cake Is Not A Lie," obviously!

this item provided by Joystiq